SOFTGHOR Digital Fashion House Online

In any business, customer service is the key. If your customers are happy it is more likely that they will come back for return purchases or even recommend your shop. It is a high priority to improve the overall experience of customers in your shop. POS Software can play a key role here.
Using our SOFTGHOR digital Fashion House software you can easily and quickly generate invoices make calculations, see previous dues, and give discounts. This will save a lot of trouble for both you the seller and of course the customer and make the overall experience better.
As a business owner, you need a reliable Pos software solution that is trustable, easy to learn, and will make things faster. We claim “SOFTGHOR Digital Pos Software” as one of the easiest Pos Software in Bangladesh that will make operating your business a breeze.
Want a Demo?
Software Setup
10,000 BDT
Yearly Maintenance Cost - 3000 BDT
Pos Software Highlights
Simplicity by itself is not a feature but it improves the overall experience. You will be amazed by the overall simplicity this single piece of software brings. As a result, operating our software will be effortless especially in Bangladesh.
Sales Management
Our Pos Software can make your selling process smoother. Actions like Product search, Barcode Search, Add new customers, or select an existing one, give a discount, take payment, calculations, print invoices are all within your reach.
Purchase Management
In a few clicks “SOFTGHOR Digital Pos Software” will let you make a new purchase. Just select the supplier and the products you want and make a purchase. You can make a payment from this panel or keep it due.

For every sale you make an invoice will be generated automatically. You can take a printout anytime you need it. The Details of the invoice can be customized from the settings menu.
Customer & Supplier
Using our Pos Software you can easily manage customers and suppliers. Anytime you need their information changed you can go to their respective menus and change the details. For filtering purposes, you can use their mobile number.
Payment Management
Customer due or supplier due features are very crucial in a Pos Software of Bangladesh. For many decades “Haal Khata” has been a tradition in Bangladesh. Keeping that in mind we enable you to take/make payments customer/supplier wise instead of invoice wise. The payments will be automatically adjusted to the invoices.
Why Us?
The purchasing of software is just the beginning of the journey. We provide quality customer support so that the rest of the journey becomes smoother. Our support team ensures your queries or issues get resolved at the earliest possible time and keep your business in progress. We are based in Dhaka, Bangladesh so for any need, you can visit our office for 6 days a week.
What is your business type?
POS Running User
Point of sale and Point of sale software are two different things. We use these terms interchangeably as if they mean the same thing. However, if you leave a word out the meaning entirely changes. Let’s have a look at what a Point of sale is.
What is the POS (Point of Sale)?
A point of sale or Pos is the place in your shop where the customer makes the payment and usually receives an invoice. It means a physical place in your shop/business where you make the sale by doing a transaction.
Pos is the heart of your business. This is the central place where Sales, Inventory, Purchase, Customer management all merge.
What is the POS (Point of Sale) Software?
Point of sale software as its name implies is a piece of software that empowers you the retailer to do what you do best which is to run your business. This software is used at the point of sale and replaces your traditional paper made ledger books.
Why you should use pos software?
Access from anywhere
We offer online pos software which you can access from any device and anywhere. Even if you are not present at the shop you can see updates of your shop from afar. All you need to access the software is a working internet connection. Similar to how you log in to Facebook or other social media using an email password combination, you can access the software..
Inventory Management
Our Pos software will make it easy to keep track of your inventory. In real-time you will be able to manage your inventory and know the current stock.
When reiving new supplies, if they are already in your product list all you have to do is show a purchase instantaneously they will be added to your stock. This saves a lot of time compared to manual inventory tracking. Moreover, this will much reduce the mistakes of tracking the inventory.
The item you sell will be deducted from your inventory. You don’t need to worry about manually keep track of them either.
Customer Management
You can store the basic details of a customer. The software will keep a record of all the orders, payments, and dues of the customer. At a glance, you will know about the customer. There is also a feature called ‘Top Customer’ where you can see who is your most valued customer based on purchases.
On birthdays you can wish them. The software will remind you of upcoming birthdays.
Detailed Receipt
A detailed receipt will be generated automatically. All you have to do is print it out and give it to the customer. The receipt contains the details of the order items such as quantity, unit price, subtotal, discount, total receivable, etc.
Faster Service
You will instantly know your inventory and can quickly search for products the software using a barcode scanner or name. You can Send customer orders or payment confirmation SMS with a single click. Instantaneously an invoice is generated.
Better Security
The software is developed with security in mind. Besides, each copy is isolated. As a user, you can take data backups all by yourself. Moreover, we keep a backup on the server as well. So as a user you can feel secured when using our software.
Saves Time and Money
With the use of our pos software your business will be more organized. Say you want to see a report, it is just a click away. Being more organized will save a lot of time. In business time is money. Having more time at hand you can focus on more pressing things like the Business Plan, market analysis, etc. You don’t have to worry about the little things since the software will take care of it.