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Get all the domain registration price in Bangladesh from our website. If you want to buy domain in Bangladesh at cheap rate, SOFTGHOR can provide it to you. Our domain price is cheaper than other web hosting companies. Domain in Bangladesh is now easy to register as SOFTGHOR provides you online domain registration service. Our domain registration and renewal price is always same. We provide all common international domain .com .net .org. info. us. uk. me. tv and others TLD. We have also .bd domain registation service. You can check the domain availability from our website. You can register or renew any domain from our website 24/7 with our automatic payment gateway. You can also manage you domain from your client panel. Our bd domain price is also enlisted here. Purchase your domain at the cheapest rate from the best domain provider in Bangladesh. Check all the domain price from the list below.
Easy Domain Setup No Technical Skills
Advanced DNS Controls
Free Email Address - Forwarding
Multi-Year Registration
Domain Privacy Protection
Domain Locking & Forwarding
Unlimited Sub Domains
Free 24×7/365 Support
What is domain?

Whenever it comes about a need for website or any online presence the very word“domain” glances immediately. Precisely and simply domain is the name by which a website is addressed. It is similar in its meaning to branding. Technically, a domain is an administrative identity, authority and control in internet by which it could be addressed, introduced and accessed. The journey of this domain name starts with its registration into Domain Name System (DNS).

SOFTGHOR is one of the Top Bangladeshi Cheap TLD and DOT BD Domain Name Registrar. From Greenweb you will be able to buy .com .net .org .com.bd edu.bd and others domain.We Provide Free WHOIS privacy, DNS Management and a lots of free stuff with every domain.
Need Domain?
Cups Of coffee
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Ownership Guarantee
SOFTGHOR guarantees that you will be the registered owner (Registrant) of the Domain you register with Alpha Net. You will be provided with full control panel to access and manage your Domain.
Most Commonly Asked Questions & Answers
Domain and Web Hosting Bangladesh. We provide reliable domain and web hosting in Bangladesh. You can Get your right domain name and hosting plan here.Reasonable price and Best hosting plan provider.Various payment methods like bKash, Paypal, Skrill, Payoneer.Backups can be restored from our backups, cPanel backup.You can contact us via live chat, Phones, email and skype
Our customer care agents and staff will provide the highest level of attention and dedication to all of our customers. Call us freely for any kind of help. Call us: 01779724380, 01741045212
You can pay us using various payment method. We accept bKash, DBBL, Our Local Mobile Banking, Payoneer Master Cared, Skrill/Moneybookes, Paypal and many others payment method to pay us. You can see details here: Our Payment Options. Its an extra benefit of using domain and web hosting Bangladesh by SOFTGHOR
Yes! we provide phone support for our all clients. You can get solution by phone for any kind of problem.