Digital Marketing Agency in Bangladesh
Create Modern Marketing Campaign that grows itself, build brand & business together with maximum roi & profit
Get Digital or Get Lost
Choose the transformational digital marketingsolution to immediately demonstrate your business online
93% of the online user starts with search engines, and when your business needs to acquire more targeted traffic plus dominate the RANK as well as competitors in the internet world. SEO is the most highly efficient strategy to implement and expand your online presence widely.
Email Marketing
Sequential intend based email can immediately reach you hundreds to millions of customers in a second. You may have an email list or want to build it for a longer relationship with your audience. So if you wish to consistent growth with more and more sell, then it’s a structure to surely meet your business goal spending less.
Content Creation
Without content, the business of the internet world is ZERO value. And the more persuasive, influential, and engaging content you able to produce, the quicker your business will attract customers and naturally amplify. So permit yourself to create extraordinary rhetoric content that the audience, prospect, or the subject would respond almost instantly, including search rank and conversion together.

The more you strategically spend on paid advertising, the more you easily able to expand it with satisfied RIO that your business every time designed to experience. Install the Pay Per Click Advertising on your business and experience the outstanding transformation real quick.
Social Media Marketing
An average online user spends 2 hours every day browsing the different social media like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc. If you determined to grow your business in the internet world and potentially reach the highly targeted audience, then consider yourself to shoot big unpacking the Social Media.
Content Marketing
Represent your brand completely unique, functional, and organized way in your industry, so your audience gets you whenever the problem arises. It doesn’tmatter whether it’s for more sales, more real-world audiences, or more branding. You will get it all without getting confused for a single day and grow stronger than before.
Why Digital Marketing???
As you can explore the Global Ad Spend statistics 2020, it’s 605 billion dollars that increases 4.2% from the last year. Businesses are using more and more digital advertising strategies rather than at any time in the history of advertisement. The USA alone will spend almost $110 on digital marketing this year.
You may hear the global social media budget was 84 billion dollars in 2019, and business spend on Facebook alone $25.56 billion.
So there is a lot more in the digital world and the good news for business to reach the potential audience almost instantly and globally just using the right kind of strategically marketing approach.
So whenever you persuade yourself to grow business, build brand, make more sales, bringing consistent profit then nothing comes close to digital advertising. And whenever you need help.

Design Structure For Your Website
Take every opportunity your business demands
Take every opportunity your business demands
Immediately place your business name on the Audience’s heart, so they never forget your brand name. SoftGhor Brand Building strategy forces your business to get memorable in the shortest amount of time that your business
Grow Your
If you want to grow your business that really and efficiently run all along with itself, bring the new audience, make more sales, makes more profit. Then utilizing digital marketing is one of the smartest decisions you have imagined before. Assists our team
Expand Your
No Audience = No Sale. No Sale = NO PROFIT and finally no business!!! So if you are genuinely committed yourself to expand the countless amount of Audience that your business could ever handle, then don’t waste time to hesitate or planning hypothetically.
Track Your
The more you know what kind of action you are taking and the result it brings from your effort, the more you able to use believes in tracking technology that automatically informs us everything we need to know about your audience and how
Most Commonly Asked Questions & Answers
It’s a new structure of modern marketing that mainly designed to cover the internet world, mobile advertising, display advertising, etc.
Any advertising steps that organized to promote your business in social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, considered as social media marketing.
So many people think traditional marketing is less expensive than the digital. It completely wrong understanding for who never experience it before. Because digital marketing is an entire step by step structural, technical process to do it right, and when you able to follow the successful structure, then you always lees to pay. SO the answer obviously takes low cost and bring more outcome.
Undoubtedly, We want the business to succeed, and the more action the business takes, the more it grows. SoftGhor allows you to take full advantage of your maximum budget. It doesn’t matter whether you need any single marketing structure where it’s Facebook or SEO or YouTube advertising. You will get it all or any single one you need.
YES. Our digital marketing mostly designed to grow brand with the business together, and at the same time, you would able to make money.
You may already know marketing is the breath of business. So without marketing growing a business only wishing the unpredictable luck. So every company on the planet that want more customer, more sales and more money can apply digital marketing for their own advantages.